Centro de Maceio
Well before I write about my change of plans I thought I'd mention that I recall why I never tried to learn another language before - its hard! A lot of work too. I go through ups and downs. On the latter, sometimes I get down on not being able to understand what people are saying and everything goes over my head. But in regards to the former, I have moments like the other day when I got a taxi and was able to have a bit of a basic casual chat with the driver - something I realised I couldn't have done four weeks ago. Or one time I did't understand much of the text in class, but in the evening when I was reading the text slowly at home and realised that I did understand most of the words.
This is the last of my five weeks in Maceio. My plan has been to go to Florianópolis - a city to the south of Brazil which is meant to be very beautiful - next. But I've had a change in plans. I'd like to take a couple of weeks of self study where I can finish using the Rosetta Stone language learning software course I started before I came to Brazil and also review what I've learnt so far since I've been here. My friend Livia (who is in Sydney) was very kind offer to let me stay at her family's place for a couple of weeks. So I've booked a ticket to Brasilia - the capital of Brazil - for this Saturday to go there. I'm looking forward to going to a new city and meeting new people! I have another friend Angela who lived in Sydney for a while and is now back in Brazil. I plan to go and see her next in Palmas (another city). Her brother actually works at a language school called Wizard and has arranged for me to get some lessons there at a good rate!
So there are my plans for the next five weeks or so. I may go to Florianópolis after that. Apparently the south of Brazil is very different to the north.